Squirrel Girl – The Undefeated Heroine of the Marvel Universe

When it comes to identifying the most unbeatable superhero in Marvel comics, look no further than the bushy-tailed Squirrel Girl. With her unique power set of squirrel control, enhanced strength and speed, sharp claws, and ingenious wit – Squirrel Girl remains undefeated to this day in canon Marvel continuity.

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl

First introduced in 1992, Squirrel Girl‘s real name is Doreen Green. She has the following abilities that make her a formidable opponent:

  • Squirrel Communication/Control: Can command an army of squirrels to aid her
  • Enhanced Strength: Lifts up to 800 lbs, on par with Spider-Man
  • Enhanced Speed: Can reach speeds of 90 mph, faster than most Olympic athletes
  • Claws/Fangs: Sharp claws and teeth capable of shredding wood
  • Prehensile Tail: Like a fifth appendage that aids movement and combat

But her most dangerous ability? Her wit, resourcefulness and intellect that allows her to outmaneuver and defeat villains who may vastly overpower her physically.

To date, Squirrel Girl has recorded 168 confirmed wins against major Marvel villains and heroes, according to this exhaustively researched fan wiki. Some of her most impressive wins include:

  • Thanos
  • Galactus
  • Doctor Doom
  • Wolverine
  • Deadpool
  • Fin Fang Foom

Her victory strategy in every single one of these fights? Outsmart and outwit her physically stronger opponents with her ingenuity.

Squirrel Girl remains undefeated and unkillable in every official Marvel continuity comic to date.

Comparing Squirrel Girl to Other "Undefeated" Marvel Characters

While Squirrel Girl is currently undefeated in combat, there exist a few other Marvel characters who are also considered extremely hard or impossible to defeat:

CharacterPowersUndefeated Status
Squirrel GirlSquirrel control, enhanced physical abilities, genius intellectYes – undefeated in 168+ fights
Isca the UnbeatenReality manipulation to always winYes – but does not actively fight
One-Above-AllOmnipotent, omniscient leader of Marvel cosmologyYes – but does not battle
Living TribunalDirectly below One-Above-All in power levelYes – but lacks combat showings

As the data shows, while characters like Isca, One-Above-All and the Living Tribunal may have reality-altering levels of power, Squirrel Girl distinguishes herself by actively battling and defeating both street-level heroes and cosmic-level threats. Her combination of squirrel abilities and wit allows her to punch far above her weight class.

This makes Squirrel Girl the only undefeated fighter in mainstream Marvel continuity.

Marvel Beings Who Could Potentially Beat Squirrel Girl

Very few characters potentially have the power to defeat Squirrel Girl. Based on their power levels, some of the chief threats are:

CharacterPower LevelCould They Beat Squirrel Girl?
Thanos (w/Infinity Gauntlet)DivineNo – Squirrel Girl has defeated him before
OdinDivineUnlikely – Squirrel Girl can outwit him
Dark PhoenixDivineUnlikely – Squirrel Girl can evade her
Scarlet WitchTranscendentNo – Squirrel Girl has defeated her before
Franklin RichardsTranscendentUnlikely – Squirrel Girl can manipulate him

Based on previous showings, Squirrel Girl has defeated Thanos and Scarlet Witch by outmaneuvering them despite their tremendous cosmic power. And characters like Odin and Phoenix Force rely mainly on raw power rather than advanced tactics.

This demonstrates that wit and cleverness can outweigh pure strength – and Squirrel Girl has both in spades. While these beings could annihilate most Marvel heroes, Squirrel Girl‘s proven ability to outthink and outlast opponents gives her a strong chance against even abstract cosmic entities.

Notable Victories Over Powerhouses like Thanos and Deadpool

Squirrel Girl‘s renown as "unbeatable" comes not just from her powers, but from prominent canon comic victories over characters who vastly overpower her:

Vs. Thanos: Defeated the Mad Titan in a direct fight despite his strength, invulnerability and cosmic powers. She overwhelmed him with squirrels and her own speed.

Vs. Deadpool: Defeated the merc with a mouth using ingenious planning and strategy despite his healing factor and combat mastery. She tied him up and stranded him.

Vs. Galactus: Saved the Earth by convincing Galactus to depart peacefully using her wit and conversational ability instead of useless combat.

The key in all these fights is that Squirrel Girl combines preparation, tactics and leveraging her squirrel abilities to outmatch opponents who could trounce her in a direct brawl. This consummate skill makes her extremely formidable.

Why Squirrel Girl Continues to Stay Undefeated

As a pop culture writer and Marvel expert, I believe there are a few key reasons why Squirrel Girl continues to remain undefeated:

  • Her power set is often underestimated: People dismiss her squirrel affiliations, letting their guard down
  • Her intellect outclasses most villains: Very few Marvel beings can match Squirrel Girl‘s cleverness
  • She leverages her surroundings effectively: Squirrel Girl weaponizes whatever location she is in, using it to gain an advantage
  • Her reflexes allow her to evade attacks: She relies on evasion and counters rather than taking damage
  • She prepares extensively for each fight: Squirrel Girl spends time gathering intelligence on her opponents before battling them
  • She has defeated cosmic beings before: At this point, even abstract cosmic entities know not to trifle with Squirrel Girl

In short, Squirrel Girl should not be underestimated! Her blend of squirrel powers, human intelligence and gutsy attitude make her a virtually unbeatable fan-favorite character.

Conclusion: Squirrel Girl Remains Undefeated

To conclude, Squirrel Girl stands tall as Marvel‘s most unbeatable superhero based on her flawless 168+ fight record. Very few characters demonstrate her combination of animal powers, human wit and successful battle strategy.

This is why, despite recent world-ending Marvel events and cosmically powered villains, Squirrel Girl remains undefeated and unkillable. No matter the threat, whether street-tier brawlers or abstract cosmic beings, Squirrel Girl always manages to squirrel her way to victory!

So unless Marvel editorial officially changes her canon, Squirrel Girl remains the sole undefeated fighter across the mainstream Marvel multiverse. Excelsior!

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