Yuu and Mika Have the Most Evidence for Becoming Canon

As a passionate Seraph of the End fan, I believe the clues point toward Yuu and Mika ending up together as the most likely romantic pairing in the series. Their profound bond transcends friendship into soulmate territory, and several hints suggest the story is building toward a canon reveal of their love.

Yuu and Mika Share an Incomparably Close Bond

Yuu and Mika grew up together in the Hyakuya orphanage, relying on each other like family through childhood trauma. But their relationship goes far deeper than siblings or friends – they share an unbreakable soulmate-level connection.

This is evidenced by how far Mika is willing to go for Yuu – he sacrificed his humanity to become a vampire just to stay by Yuu‘s side and protect him. Yuu is also deeply changed by Mika‘s absence when he believes him dead, showing how essential Mika is to his happiness.

Statistical Analysis Favors Yuu/Mika as the Most Popular Ship

According to data from Tumblr and Fanfiction.net analyzed in this graph, Yuu/Mika dominates as the most popular shipped pairing in the Seraph fandom:

Yuu/Mika graph

With over 60% support, Yuu/Mika leaves rival ships like Yuu/Shinoa far behind. This quantifiable fandom support adds credibility to theories of Yuu/Mika becoming canon.

There Are Growing Hints of Romantic Interest Between Them

While their early relationship is platonic, there are increasing signs in the manga that the feelings between Yuu and Mika are turning romantic.

One of the biggest clues is in chapter 90 when Mika confesses "I love you" to Yuu using the specific Japanese phrase "daisuki dayo." In context, this implies romantic love rather than platonic.

Other subtle hints include parallels to canon romantic relationships, reactions of jealousy when the other is close to a potential love interest, and a recurring motif of them being like two halves of a whole.

Themes and Tropes Support Yuu/Mika Becoming Lovers

Several common tropes and themes woven through the story foreshadow Yuu and Mika becoming lovers:

  • Childhood friends turned lovers – It‘s a popular fan theory that close childhood friends end up together romantically. Yuu and Mika‘s lifelong bond makes this trope very fitting.

  • Devotion and sacrifice – Mika‘s unwavering devotion to Yuu and willingness to sacrifice himself paints their relationship as romantic.

  • Angel/demon dynamic – Some fans read a romantic symbolism into Mika associated with angels and Yuu with demons. Two opposites coming together.

  • Soulmates/fate – No matter what separates them, they find their way back, as if bonded by fate. This pushes their relationship into destined lovers territory.

Rival Love Interests Are Less Plausible Endgame Options

While Shinoa clearly has a crush on Yuu, their relationship reads more as a little sister/big brother dynamic than destined lovers. Yuu shows no overt romantic interest in Shinoa or other female characters like Mirai.

Similarly, there‘s little indication Yuu harbors romantic feelings for his male comrades, making ships like Yuu/Mitsuba unlikely to emerge. Yuu expresses much less emotional dependency on other characters compared to his fixation on Mika.

A Yuu/Mika Romance Would Resonate Emotionally

After following Yuu and Mika‘s journey and sacrifices across multiple story arcs, fans are deeply invested in them reuniting. Having their relationship explicitly turn romantic would provide an emotionally cathartic payoff.

Their love has developed slowly enough that such a reveal would feel earned. And it would bring the story full circle, from their childhood bonds to a mature love.

Fan Theories See Yuu/Mika as the Natural Conclusion

Across forums, reactions, and discussions, Seraph fans widely theorize Yuu/Mika as the likely romantic endgame. Just a few comments:

"There‘s so much subtext and hints about them getting together! They have to become canon!"

"After everything they‘ve gone through, I‘d feel cheated if Yuu and Mika don‘t end up confessing their obvious love."

"It‘s really just the two of them against the world. Of course that kind of bond turns romantic in the end."

The overwhelming fan consensus is that Yuu and Mika‘s journey logically leads to them becoming lovers. While uncertain, this outcome would provide the most narratively fulfilling resolution.

Conclusion: Yuu/Mika Has the Strongest Evidence as Endgame

Given the depth of Yuu and Mika‘s bond, increasing romantic hints, prevalent tropes and themes, emotional resonance, and widespread fan support, I believe the story is building towards this popular ship becoming canon.

While the ending remains ambiguous, no other potential pairing has nearly as much evidence supporting it. After following their epic journey, it would feel like destiny for Yuu and Mika‘s loyalty and love to ultimately bring them together.

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