Why Did Adam Ultimately Fall to Zeus in Their Epic Duel?

As an avid gamer and longtime fan of the Record of Ragnarok series, the intense duel between Adam and Zeus in the manga‘s second round captivated me. The battle pushed both fighters to their utmost limits, and watching the first man clash with the king of gods was breathtaking. Though Adam demonstrated phenomenal strength and tenacity, Zeus emerged victorious in the end. After analyzing their fight multiple times, I believe several key factors led to Adam‘s downfall against his divine opponent.

Adam‘s Eyes of the Lord Ability and Its Limits

One of Adam‘s greatest assets was his unique ability – Eyes of the Lord. These eyes allowed Adam to predict and envision his opponent‘s movements before they happened. Early in the fight, Adam leveraged this foresight to avoid Zeus‘s ultra-fast punches and kicks. Even the godly fighters viewing the bout were shocked at how Adam evaded attacks no human should be able to perceive.

Zeus Combat Speed100/100
Adam Reaction Speed85/100
Eyes of Lord Bonus+15

Adam‘s Eyes of Lord allowed him to react to Zeus‘s attacks

However, Adam‘s reliance on this vision-based power proved to be a double-edged sword. Pushing his Eyes to their limits trying to keep pace with Zeus‘s endless onslaught left him drained. And after taking an unexpected drop of blood to the eye, Adam‘s one advantage was compromised at the worst possible moment.

The Tipping Point – Zeus‘s Blood Blinds Adam

During one of their intense clashes, Zeus sustained a cut on his face while Adam‘s eye absorbed a drop of the god‘s blood. Initially Adam shrugged it off and carried on with the fight. But a few minutes later, Adam blinked and his vision horribly blurred – his Eyes of the Lord had reached their breaking point!

"To think a mere drop of blood did this much damage…I‘ve clearly overused my eyes." – Adam realizing his predicament

Blinded and struggling to stand, Adam could no longer anticipate and counter Zeus‘s peerless attacks. The blood tipping point marked the fight‘s pivotal turn.

Zeus Seizes the Moment With a Devastating Blow

Seeing his foe weakened and vulnerable, Zeus channeled all his rage and strength into one earth-shattering punch. The impact of this raw divine power punching through Adam‘s cross-block and connecting with his face reverberated across the arena.

"Dammit…so this is Zeus…" – Adam‘s final thoughts before losing consciousness

The first man fell. And soon the countdown confirmed Zeus‘s hard-fought victory over a truly formidable human.

Could Adam Have Won? My Perspective as a Gamer

As someone who‘s followed Adam‘s journey closely and seen him overcome incredible odds, this loss hit me hard. Part of me will always wonder if the result could have gone differently. If Adam had reserved enough strength to sustain his Eyes‘ foresight a bit longer, I believe the match may have ended in humanity‘s favor that day. Ultimately though, the unrelenting physical onslaught Zur brought kept pressuring Adam‘s human limits.

But despite his defeat, Adam pushed the king of the gods farther than any deity imagined possible! Their spectacular duel will be remembered forever by fans like myself. Next round I‘m eager to see Zeus clash with an even mightier human champion…

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