Why Did Ryder Betray CJ? Greed, Resentment and Addiction Fuel Ultimate Treachery

After an intense ambush confrontation, CJ demands an answer from the dying Ryder: "I wanna know why!" Why, after decades of friendship and surviving so much together as Grove Street bros, would Ryder sell him out? The truth points to a toxic mixture of resentment, greed and addiction driving Ryder‘s fateful betrayal.

Simmering Resentment Boils Over

Behind the banter and back-and-forth insults between CJ and Ryder lies true animosity. While CJ left the streets behind to pursue other goals, Ryder remained loyally repping Grove Street only to be brushed aside whenever golden child CJ periodically reappeared.

Tension between the two first emerges after the death of Grove Street leader Sweet‘s wife – a tragic drive-by shooting strikingly similar to the fate of CJ‘s own mother years prior. At the funeral, rather than receiving condolences, CJ endures only blame and guilt-tripping, including a scathing dismissal from Ryder:

"Man, I can‘t believe that n***a gone man – I let him down."

Ryder airing personal drama at a funeral illustrates his ongoing resentment and long-held belief that CJ continues failing the Grove Street cause. This resentment only grew once CJ finally returned to the city that cost his mother‘s life.

Now finding Ryder still faithfully representing Grove Street after all these years, CJ can‘t resist repeatedly mocking Ryder‘s open secret drug habit. Popping up unannounced after a 5 year absence, CJ quickly tries to invalidate Ryder‘s reputation and status among their crew. Their frequent petty squabbles showcase true tension threatening to boil over:

"Don‘t bring yo momma into this!"
"I ain‘t trippin. I know you CJ!"
"Man, quit acting like you my brother, a‘ight?"

So when Officer Tenpenny approaches Ryder promising a rapid ascent to ruling Los Santos‘ drug and money game independent of the struggling Grove fam, Ryder already nurtures plenty of reasons to want to take smug golden child CJ down a few pegs.

Tenpenny masterfully exploits this history of resentment, recognizing that Ryder resents his station relative to CJ‘s and only requires the right enticements to turn traitor. The prospect of ditching the losing Grove Street crew to become a drug kingpin proves too alluring for Ryder to resist.

Money and Power Corrupt

While resentment of CJ forms the foundation, Ryder‘s betrayal is equally rooted in pure greed, ambition and lust for the power, women and wealth Tenpenny dangles as rewards. As a calculating survivor and hustler focused on getting his, Ryder rejects CJ‘s renewed talk of loyalty and brotherhood as outdated concepts that now only hold him back from grabbing all he feels entitled to.

In his greed-fueled determination, Ryder chooses to ignore CJ consistently saving both their lives against suicidal odds – attempting to reason away anything that might sway his choice. For Ryder so fiercely chasing the next high, Tenpenny promises the ultimate fix: elevation to neighborhood kingpin lavishing in previously unimaginable riches and luxury estates.

As Tenpenny breaks it down, only the Grove Street code propagates by starry-eyed CJ stands between Ryder and this exalted drug lord status. The revelation that Big Smoke too joined this conspiracy and now lounges in a mansion surrounded by women and wealth supplies all the further temptation needed.

Ryder Wants Easy Riches, Not More Struggle

CJ Newly returned from living the high life well outside the hood, wants the gang to reject quick drug money in favor of legitimate and slower investment rebuilding the community. But Ryder cares less about the potential long term hopes CJ sells than securing his own overdue payout right now – whatever it takes and at any cost.

For too long he watched peers become powerful millionaires, while the most talented like CJ often focused their pursuits outside the hood. After years faithfully risking his life and freedom for the red and green of Grove Street day after day, Ryder decides he will readily trade it all in to finally live the high life himself today.

CJ argues the Families can win back the streets without turning to crack cocaine corruption – through unity, legitimate opportunity and community renewal. But Ryder wants the fastest path available to the wealth, power and status he feels owed. So he buys all in on the promises from crooked Officer Tenpenny in exchange for betraying his friend.

Addiction Clouds His Judgment

As much as money and outsize ambition, Ryder‘s behavioral spiral also clearly results from the deepening consequences of long term drug abuse warping his mind and judgement. Even CJ observes of his once reliable friend that "the shit‘s really hit the fan."

Escalating PCP addiction proves the most immediately pressing influence steering Ryder‘s thinking and decisions. His reckless public episodes searching for the next fix showcase an unraveling barely held together by the next high.

As Tenpenny strategically positions himself into Ryder‘s life during this decline, he encounters an increasingly erratic, paranoid and grandiose shell of the together soldier once dependably representing Grove Street. In Ryder‘s debilitated state, the manipulative Tenpenny easily instills an inflated vision of Ryder emerging from the ashes as an all-powerful drug lord.

In his desperation and inflated sense of destiny, Ryder rationalizes betraying his friends as acceptable losses required to escape limitations blocking his greatness. Without the grounding once provided by loyalty to friends or community, Ryder‘s soaring addiction creates space for Tenpenny‘s heady promises of power and fortune to completely overtake any residual good judgment or inhibitions.

The irrational euphoria of addiction primes Ryder for seduction by any escape hatch presenting an alternative to his current dead-end trajectory – no matter how unlikely or amoral. His consummate addiction tragically removes any remaining barrier to him fully turning on everyone and everything he once held dear for the next disastrous fix.

Final Thoughts: Greed and Resentment Corrupt

Rather than another weary round of communal struggle or surrendering authority to CJ yet again, Ryder fatefully opts instead for the risk and rush of fast money, drugs and power over anything else. Rather than seeking meaning through redemption or repairing broken trust with his friend, Ryder gives himself wholly to new masters Tenpenny and Big Smoke, who promise to unleash his greatness through access to unlimited drugs and money.

Ryder‘s story conveys core messages reflecting GTA‘s consistent themes. It explores how greed and addiction can undermine loyalty and community, no matter how tight bonds once were. It shows how resentment festered over time can explode, absent the hard work needed for reconciliation and healing. And how lack of meaning and purpose combines toxically with addiction‘s corrosion of principles and restraint.

Ryder‘s betrayal illustrates the life arcs followed by so many who came up on the streets. His tragic fall leaves us pondering the crushing loss when human potential gets twisted down broken paths. And it prompts us to consider how different choices or support in key moments could possibly have redeemed vital relationships and bright futures – before corrosion conquered all.

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