Why is Alphinaud So Short for an Elezen in Final Fantasy XIV?

The earnest yet often overeager Alphinaud Leveilleur starts off shorter than expected for his Elezen heritage in Final Fantasy XIV. This is simply due to Alphinaud and his equally tiny twin sister Alisaie still being in their adolescence despite their prominent roles in Eorzea‘s political sphere. As 16-year-olds, the twins have a long way to go before reaching their full adult heights.

Elezen Have a Drawn-Out Aging Process

As mentioned in Final Fantasy XIV‘s official lore tomes, Elezens as a race have significantly longer natural lifespans compared to Hyurs and other Eorzean peoples. While never quantified exactly, Elezens persist for centuries while maintaining a youthful mien for much of that extended period. This elongated existence translates to proportionately slowed aging and development well into adulthood.

To demonstrate this principle, venerable Elezen elders seem visibly indistinguishable from their middle-aged counterparts to non-Elezens. The twins‘ grandfather Louisoix appears no more aged in the flesh than grandson Alphinaud three generations his junior. As Alphinaud and Alisaie experience only their 16th summer, one can expect their adolescence and attendant growth spurts to stretch on for decades if not longer.

Alphinaud Will Gradually Gain Height Over Centuries

Given the precedents set by other Elezens, the Leveilleur twins will surely attain far greater stature by the time they reach full biological maturity. Conservatively estimating based on confirmed cases within the bounds of Hyuran generations, Alphinaud may measure as tall as the average Midlander male before his 100th year.

Projecting further out based on what lore implies about Elezen end-of-life expectancy, Alphinaud might eventually hit a full Elezen‘s average of seven-and-a-half feet by his second century. For an in-universe comparison, honorable Ser Aymeric stands at a reasonably lofty seven feet himself at just age 35. Though Aymeric does not share blood ties with the twins, his case still demonstrates how much growth potential lies ahead for Alphinaud while still young for his kind.

Height Parameter Comparison Between Alphinaud and Other Key Figures

CharacterHeight Parameter

For accurate record, while lacking exact converted measurements, the games‘ data files log Alphinaud at 50 units compared to Alisaie‘s 255 units on the same relative scale. Resident rogue Thancred tops out at 560 units, himself an adult Hyur male of moderately above-average stature. These numbers illustrate quantitatively how the twins stand well shy of full height next to literal fellow Scions.

Why Many Originally Found Alphinaud Objectionable

Beyond merely appearing shorter than peers, young Alphinaud‘s initially superior, entitled attitude incited much early criticism amongst the playerbase. As touched on in his official character profile, this stems from his privileged upbringing in Sharlayan‘s stuffy academic environment. Young and gifted, overconfidence came naturally to Alphinaud out the gate when injected into Eorzea‘s complex political intrigues.

Through painful trials and failures, the twins gradually mature emotionally and gain wider perspective outside their former insular bubble. Alphinaud in particular commits to growth following the Bloody Banquet tragedy, emerging chastened but determined to own past mistakes. Seeing this personal evolution undoubtedly warms players to earnest Alphinaud over time.

Behind Alphinaud‘s Pretensions Lies a Caring Heart

While easy to dismiss the bookish prodigy as pompous at first blush, interactions with those close to Alphinaud reveal his deeply caring inner nature. The stoic Azure Dragoon Estinien likely sees glimmers of his late younger brother in Alphinaud, hence his enduring patience and guidance despite initial skepticism.

Alphinaud clearly worries after the player‘s welfare, almost to a fault. Tales abound on the forums of Alphinaud pacing anxiously awaiting the Warriors of Light‘s safe return from battles before fussing over their injuries. A learned mage he may be, but harmless specters seem enough to frighten the young Elezen out of his wits.

How Elezen Physiology Shapes Alphinaud‘s Current Diminutive Stature

On the note of Alphinaud‘s unimpressive verticality, his race‘s characteristics further explain the twins‘ smaller frames at present. As Chapter 2 of the Lore Book "Encyclopedia Eorzea" expounds, Elezens developed highly adaptive bodies for thriving across Aldenard‘s myriad environments. Their stereotypical tall, slim builds sports proportions catering to speed and agility over raw strength.

This focus on balance and reaction over brute force comes across clearly in the Leveilleur twins‘ fighting styles as red and blue mages respectively. Their slight builds aligned well with developing magicks-enhanced mobility and precision. So while they stand shortest amongst the Scions for now, the twins play effectively to their people‘s strengths.

For numerical context, according to metrics taken from the Heavensward race addition, female Viis and thus related Viera top out around 191 centimeters maximum. Even boyish Alphinaud should surpass this range in the next century if projected Elezen aging holds consistent. Until then, players and companions alike surely find the twins‘ present teeny statures strangely endearing amidst a realm rife with giant beasts and titanic primals.

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