Why Is Hobby Lobby Closed on Sundays? The Complete Story Behind the Retailer‘s Unique Policy

Unlike most major retailers, Hobby Lobby keeps its doors shut on Sundays as a matter of company policy. This weekly closure stems directly from the Christian faith of Hobby Lobby‘s owners, despite the negative impact on sales and profits. For employees, not having to work Sundays offers a rare guarantee of time off to spend with family or attend religious services.

Here is a deep dive into the reasons why Hobby Lobby stays closed on Sundays, even when it costs them revenue.

Devout Beliefs of the Green Family Owners

David and Barbara Green, evangelical Christians, founded Hobby Lobby in Oklahoma City in 1972. Guided by their faith, the Greens have incorporated Biblical principles into the company‘s operations from the start.

Closing on Sundays allows Hobby Lobby employees to observe the Christian Sabbath day. But this policy also aligns with the Greens‘ conviction that God should be first in their lives—before work and profits. As stated on the Hobby Lobby website:

"We have chosen to close on the day most widely recognized as a day of rest, in order to allow our employees and customers more time for worship and family."

The Greens‘ religious devotion shapes other controversial Hobby Lobby policies too:

  • No abortion coverage: In the 2014 Supreme Court case Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, the company won the right to deny contraceptive health coverage to employees due to religious objections.

  • No barcodes: Hobby Lobby reportedly avoids using barcodes because of concerns about links to the "mark of the beast" prophesied in Revelation. This slows down checkout but the Greens prioritize faith over efficiency.

  • Christian store music: Hobby Lobby plays religious music in stores rather than secular hits.

For the Greens, obeying their understanding of Biblical principles comes before maximizing profits or conventional business wisdom.

Estimated Sales Lost from Sunday Closures

Closing for 52 Sundays annually prevents significant revenue intake for Hobby Lobby. Some approximate figures on the financial impact:

  • With over 900 stores, Hobby Lobby likely loses out on more than $100 million a year in sales by closing Sundays.

  • Chains like Michaels, JOANN, and AC Moore who remain open on Sundays have average Sunday revenues around $8,500 per store.

  • Marketing research indicates Sunday is the 2nd busiest shopping day of the week, with Friday being #1.

Despite the estimated nine-figure opportunity cost each year, the Greens have said honoring the Sabbath takes priority over money-making for Hobby Lobby.

Hobby Lobby‘s Hours vs. Other Craft Stores

Here is a comparison of Hobby Lobby‘s store hours versus key competitors in the craft retail sector:

StoreMonday-Saturday HoursSunday Hours
Hobby Lobby9am – 8pmClosed
Michaels10am – 9pm10am – 8pm
JOANN Stores9am – 9pm10am – 7pm
AC Moore10am – 9pm10am – 8pm

This illustrates how outside the norm it is for major craft/hobby retailers to close for an entire day each week. But honoring Sundays as a day of worship takes priority for Hobby Lobby over competitive opening hours.

Why Employees Love Having Sundays Guaranteed Off

Hobby Lobby workers consistently praise the guaranteed day off on Sundays in Glassdoor reviews:

"Never having to work Sundays is amazing. I could depend on having that time for family, church, and me time."

"Knowing every Sunday is protected from work schedules is a total blessing. No other retail company does that."

"Sundays off is the best perk here. You can really relax instead of stressing about maybe getting called in."

Full-time retail work often requires long, tiring hours including weekends. But with Sundays always off, Hobby Lobby employees gain invaluable and reliable time for worship, family activities, vacations, and recharging.

Many workers comment that having at least one guaranteed day off per week should be standard practice for retailers. The Sunday closure policy generates significant goodwill and loyalty among Hobby Lobby staff.

Perspectives on the Pros and Cons of Closing Sundays

Potential advantages of keeping stores closed on Sundays:

  • Positive brand image as a company that puts religious values first

  • Employees like ensured day off each week

  • Lets staff attend worship services and focus on faith

  • Gives customers a day to spend quality time with family

Possible disadvantages:

  • Lose significant sales by remaining closed on 2nd busiest shopping day

  • Hurts ability to compete with retailers that are open Sundays

  • Inconvenient for some customers who like to shop on weekends

  • Slows growth and expansion goals by limiting revenue intake

The Greens have decided the benefits of honoring the Sabbath outweigh the drawbacks of lost sales. For them, staying closed on Sundays is the right thing to do—for employees, customers, and their Christian beliefs—no matter the impact on profits.

Conclusion: Faith Before Profits

In the end, Hobby Lobby remains closed on Sundays because the company‘s owners—the deeply religious Green family—wish to observe the Christian Sabbath day. This allows employees a guaranteed weekly day off while also aligning with the Greens‘ conviction to put their faith before profits.

The Sunday closure policy costs Hobby Lobby an estimated nine figures in lost sales each year. But honoring the Sabbath takes priority over money-making for both the Green family and the retail chain they founded.

While competitors like Michaels and JOANN choose to remain open on Sundays to maximize revenue, Hobby Lobby‘s commitment to giving employees a day of rest reflects the Greens‘ devotion to their Christian beliefs. For them, faith and family rightfully come before business and the bottom line. This core motivation explains why Hobby Lobby defies retail norms and remains steadfastly closed for worship on Sundays.

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