Why Are They Called "90s" in Fortnite? A Building Technique Explained

As a passionate Fortnite gamer and content creator, I‘m constantly studying the meta and mechanics behind successful play. One concept that comes up again and again is the "90s" build strategy – but why is it actually called that?

In short: because the iconic Fortnite 90s maneuver involves making continuous 90 degree turns while building upward. By placing structures in this distinctive pattern, players can gain height extremely quickly.

The Steps Behind a Standard 90

Performing a basic 90 in Fortnite involves the following sequence:

  1. Place a ramp in front of you
  2. Move forward onto the ramp
  3. Turn 90 degrees right
  4. Jump and place a wall
  5. Turn another 90 degrees right
  6. Place another ramp in front
  7. Repeat steps 3-6

So in essence, you are making two 90 degree turns in quick succession as you build up. This creates a distinctive shape with ramps leading up alternated with walls providing cover and support.

Why Use the 90s Strategy?

Gaining the high ground is critical in Fortnite combat. The 90s maneuver allows skilled builders to gain elevation rapidly, letting them take and hold superior positioning versus opponents.

Some key advantages of 90s:

  • Move upward very quickly
  • Alternating ramp/wall provides cover
  • Maintains forward momentum
  • High ground lets you shoot down
  • Surprise enemies by building over them

Essentially, 90s establish critical verticality and defense simultaneously – making them a go-to strategy for serious players.

Origins from Early Competitive Play

Popularized in the early Fortnite competitive scene, 90s quicky became a skill separating newbies from the best players.

Pioneered by early stars like Mitr0, Mongraal, and Bizzle, the technique showed the potential of building to outplay rather than just outshoot. Creative builders could gain massive height in seconds while defending with walls.

And with players constantly innovating new ways to gain high ground, the basic 90 is now one of many vertical building patterns. But it was the OG strategy that opened players‘ eyes to the importance of building, making it an iconic Fortnite maneuver.

Executing Speedy 90s Requires Practice

While the concepts are straightforward, effectively chaining 90s requires tremendous timing and coordination. Top tier players can seemingly defy gravity, building 90 stairs into the clouds before opponents can even track their movement.

But for most, quickly coordinating the jump, build, rotate sequence takes work. Here are some tips:

  • Bind keys for easier building
  • Line up the next set of builds while airborne
  • Avoid overbuilding too many stairs initially
  • Practice makes perfect!

Here‘s an example of fluid 90s motion (warning: may induce vertigo!):


As that clip shows, perfecting 90s takes muscle memory more than anything.

In Summary

The "90" in Fortnite refers to the core mechanic that underlies the iconic building technique: making two continuous 90 degree turns to gain height quickly. While seemingly simple in theory, effective 90s require tremendous timing and practice to fully master.

But that mastery pays off with a powerful skill to gain high ground, take shots, and surprise enemies, justifying why 90s remain essential to Fortnite glory. Whether playing competitively or just for fun, this signature move is worth adding to any player‘s arsenal.

And if you want to see more advanced building strategies, be sure to check out my other Fortnite tips and guides here!

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