Why is Overwatch 2 Lagging on PS5? An In-Depth Troubleshooting Guide

I‘ve been seeing a lot of reports about significant lag and performance problems with Overwatch 2 on the powerful PlayStation 5 hardware. As an avid PS5 gamer and Overwatch fan myself, I totally understand the frustration. Let‘s get to the bottom of what‘s going on and how you can get smooth, high FPS gameplay.

Overwatch 2 System Requirements – Does PS5 Measure Up?

First, let‘s quickly check if PS5 hardware should be able to easily run Overwatch 2 based on Blizzard‘s official system requirements:

ComponentOverwatch 2 RequirementPS5 Specs
CPUIntel Core i3 or AMD Phenom X3 86508x Zen 2 Cores @ 3.5GHz
GPUNVIDIA GeForce GTX 600 or AMD Radeon HD 7000 seriesCustom RDNA 2 GPU 36 CUs @ 2.23 GHz
Storage50 GB825 GB SSD

As you can see, the PS5 massively exceeds the recommended specs, at least on paper. So why are people experiencing big lag spikes, choppy animation and frequent crashes? Let‘s investigate further.

Potential Causes of Overwatch 2 Lag on PS5

According to my analysis and reports from many early PS5 players, there seem to be a few key culprits contributing to OW2 lag:

1. Server Infrastructure Overloaded

Overwatch 2 saw a huge surge of 25 million players in its first week – way above Blizzard‘s expectations apparently. Their server capacity is struggling to keep up, causing periodic latency spikes.

2. Memory Leaks and Game Code Inefficiencies

Folks testing the game have noticed memory leaks accumulating over long play sessions, eventually leading to choppy performance or crashes. Clearly the game needs performance optimization patches.

3. PS5 Graphics Settings Too High By Default

Many report that turning down rendering resolution and graphical settings significantly boosts FPS. The super high default settings are likely overloading the GPU to cause lag.

4. Buggy Feature Compatibility

Overwatch 2 adds 120Hz support on PS5, but this seems to cause conflicts resulting in crashes for some. Could be firmware, driver or game code issues.

Fixes & Optimizations to Stop Overwatch 2 Lag on PS5

Alright, on to the good stuff – how we can get Overwatch 2 running smooth as butter on your PS5. Try these tweaks for best results:

Use Ethernet Over WiFi

Overwatch 2 requires consistent, low-latency bandwidth for solid connectivity. I strongly advised using a wired ethernet connection to your PS5 and disabling WiFi. This typically resolves jitter, rubber banding or intermittent lag.

Close Other Apps and Disable Downloads/Uploads

To free up max memory and processing for Overwatch 2, force close any other open games or media apps. Also pause any downloads or uploads consuming internet bandwidth in rest mode.

Adjust Graphics Settings For Max FPS

Based on GPU load testing by the experts at Digital Foundry, I suggest the following graphics tweaks:

  • Display > Preferred Mode: Framerate
  • Reduce Render Scale to 90-95%
  • Textures, Models, Effects on Medium
  • V-Sync Off
  • 120Hz Mode Off

This prioritizes smoother animation and responsiveness over visual quality. Tweak based on your preference.

Update PS5 System Software and Game

Updating to the latest PS5 firmware improves hardware compatibility. Also check you have the latest Overwatch 2 patch with any essential bug fixes.

Test with Different Controllers

As a last resort, try swapping between DualSense controllers. Some users have reported stick drift or sluggish input lag causing problems.

The Verdict

In summary – yes Overwatch 2 is having major performance problems on PS5. But with optimized settings and the right troubleshooting, I‘m confident you‘ll get smooth 60+ FPS gameplay. This guide just scratches the surface so let me know if any specific questions!

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