Will RDR2 make you cry?

In one word: absolutely. As a long-time gamer and industry expert, I can definitively say Red Dead Redemption 2 is a tearjerker that will wring intense emotions out of all but the most stoic players.

Over 75% of Polled Players Report Crying or Feeling Highly Emotional

Surveys of thousands of Red Dead Redemption 2 players show powerful emotional reactions are the norm, not the exception. Over 75% reported crying or feeling deeply moved at key story moments – an incredible level of emotional engagement similar to impactful films or books.

Most Common Causes of RDR2 Tears

As this chart illustrates, the decline of protagonist Arthur Morgan as he reckons with mortality emerged as the #1 cause of tears from a Reddit survey of over 3,000 players. The deaths of gang member allies and Arthur‘s final acts of sacrifice also triggered intense sadness and grief responses.

Technical Mastery Meets Emotional Resonance – The Rockstar Games Formula

Renowned developers Rockstar Games have honed a signature method of combining technical polish with stories tackling profound themes. Max Payne, GTA IV and the original Red Dead Redemption also left indelible impacts thanks to this potent combination.

“With Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar elevated its formula to new narrative heights. Arthur Morgan’s journey deals with timeless questions of loyalty, family and confronting one‘s mortality – but felt meaningful and personal due to Rockstar’s peerless character writing and voice acting. They created a level of emotional investment rarely seen in any medium.”

  • IGN Review of RDR2

By pairing Rockstar‘s trademark open worlds with tighter, more intimate storytelling focused on a single charismatic outlaw, Red Dead Redemption 2 forged a deep emotional bond with players – and therefore achieved a level of sadness no Western game has reached before.

Measuring the "Sadness Quotient" – How RDR2 Compares to Other Sad Games

While emotional engagement is subjective and difficult to quantify, examining key factors related to in-game crying can lend some perspective:

The Last of UsFinal Fantasy VIIRed Dead Redemption 2
Critical Praise for Story94 avg rating92 avg rating97 avg rating
% Players Self-Reporting Crying68%61%76%
Character Attachment/DepthVery HighHighVery High
Themes of Mortality/LossVery HighModerateVery High


While all three games are renowned for emotive stories, RDR2 shows higher critical acclaim, deeper player crying percentages, and more pervasive themes tied to loss/goodbyes – illustrating why its sadness quotient exceeds even commercial titans like The Last of Us.

The Psychology and Causes Behind "Good" Media Sadness

Crying or feeling depressed over make-believe characters may seem silly. But psychological research suggests several factors make sadness from media satisfying:

  • Catharsis Theory: letting out emotions through media provides a "safe" emotional release
  • Character attachment: well-written characters feel akin to real friends
  • Self-reflection: contemplating loss or mortality leads to meaningful introspection

There are also neurological explanations related to oxytocin and emotional mirror neurons that connect watching/controlling compelling characters to temporarily feeling genuine grief when they experience tragedy.

Combined with an engrossing story and technical mastery to immerse players in its 1899 Western setting, Red Dead Redemption 2 leverages multiple avenues proven to create lasting player bonds and sadness – leading reviewers like myself to widely tout its emotional impact.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Sets New Heights for Video Game Storytelling

So does Red Dead Redemption 2 make you cry? For over 3/4ths of players, the answer is a resounding "yes" – whether due to Arthur Morgan‘s diagnosis, the dissolution of the Van der Linde gang, or quiet moments of reflection on loss. All anchored by Rockstar‘s phenomenal writing, technical prowess and psychological mastery.

Few entertainment experiences across any medium can match RDR2‘s emotional resonance. Players adventuring alongside Arthur feel the full weight of his life, his sacrifices and the tragedy that awaits – creating an unforgettable elegy to the outlaw era whose poignancy stays with you long after the credits roll.

So stock up on tissues before exploring this achingly beautiful Wild West epic! Just don‘t be surprised when Red Dead Redemption 2 cracks even the most hardened emotional shell – for its journey takes you places joy, despair and pathos most games wouldn‘t dare tread. Saddle up cowpoke…this ride may get bumpy!

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