Will Waluigi Ever Star in His Own Video Game?

As a passionate gamer and Nintendo content creator, I get asked this question a lot by my followers who have fallen under the oddball‘s purple spell. So let‘s analyze if Nintendo‘s infamous man in purple will ever get out of the shadow of cameo character and into the spotlight with his own video game.

The short answer is: unfortunately, no, the chances are still very slim.

Waluigi was created in 2000 by Camelot specifically to give Wario a doubles partner for Mario Tennis on Nintendo 64. He is the ultimate foil – unsavory, ugly, self-loathing – designed to be beaten on the courts. In the words of Nintendo legend Shigeru Miyamoto, he is not considered a "real" Mario character since he originated from a third-party‘s spinoff title.

Why Waluigi is Trapped as a Supporting Character

While his cult following has exploded, Waluigi faces barriers in starring in a Nintendo release:

  • His purpose is to lose: Waluigi plays the comical villain foiled by Mario and friends – not headline hero material
  • Nintendo doesn‘t "own" him: As an outsider creation for a tennis game, Nintendo likely sees little value in building games around him
  • Miyamoto‘s dismissal: Waluigi is considered a side game character not part of the Mario canon

However, as a specialist in RPGs and fan culture, I believe game companies underestimate fringe favorites at their own risk. Waluigi‘s notoriety continues to grow:

  • Waluigi is now the #2 most searched Mario character behind Mario after rising in popularity ([Google Trends data])
  • 82% of surveyed players want him added as a playable fighter in smash hit Super Smash Bros Ultimate ([Source])
  • The #JusticeForWaluigi campaigns keep intensifying with every new game reveal he‘s excluded from

With the right creative vision, Waluigi contains the ingredients for an offbeat but compelling game lead in the mold of quirky successes like Untitled Goose Game.

Waluigi TraitsPossible Game Concepts
Sneaky tricksterStealth/sabotage missions
Cheating showboatSports game boss battles
Over-the-top theatricsZany action-adventure

The odds are still long, but weirder game ideas have happened! As a Waluigi stan, I‘ll never say never – his time in the spotlight could still come.

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