Which Skyrim game should I play first?

As a hardcore gamer and content creator who has logged over 1000 hours across multiple Elder Scrolls games, my top advice for new players is to start with Oblivion before jumping into Skyrim. While Skyrim is more modern and accessible, playing Oblivion first enriches the experience tremendously through lore immersion and appreciating the series‘ evolution.

Oblivion Thoroughly Introduces You to the Wealth of Elder Scrolls Lore and Worldbuilding

As the fourth main installment in the Elder Scrolls series, Oblivion is thoroughly steeped in the intricately crafted lore and worldbuilding that makes Tamriel such an incredible fantasy realm for open-world adventure. From the imperial grandeur of Cyrodiil‘s capital to the eccentric pockets of magic permeating the wilderness, Oblivion‘s setting oozes meticulous detail at every turn.

When comparing playtimes, Oblivion offers over 190 hours of content for completists according to HowLongToBeat.com. This dwarfs Skyrim‘s main story playtime of 37.5 hours, signaling Oblivion‘s expansive worldbuilding and emphasis on faction questlines. By spending so much time immersed in Cyrodiil‘s sights and sounds, you will ingrain Tamriel‘s essence more firmly.

GameMain Story PlaytimeCompletionist Playtime
Oblivion30 hours190 hours
Skyrim37.5 hours172.5 hours

In addition, Oblivion features crucial factions like the Mages Guild, Dark Brotherhood, Fighters Guild and Thieves Guild which establishes their significance as core pillars woven through Elder Scrolls lore. Understanding their beliefs and practices grants insight into their continued importance later in Skyrim.

In comparison, playing Skyrim first would mean missing this vital worldbuilding foundation. Someone might grasp that the Dark Brotherhood are shadowy assassins but obliviously skim past the well of sinister lore surrounding the Night Mother and Sithis which the Brotherhood hold sacred. Only Oblivion sets newcomers up to fully appreciate settings and factions carrying over to Skyrim rather than taking their presence for granted.

Oblivion‘s Storytelling and Quest Design Remain Hallmark Entries in the Series

While Skyrim improved enormously on graphics and gameplay due to releasing 5 years later than Oblivion, the latter remains exemplary in other areas – notably narrative and quest design. Skyrim loyalists may debate this, but as a veteran of both games I found Oblivion‘s stories and missions enormously compelling in their creativity despite roughness around the edges.

For example, the Dark Brotherhood questline in Oblivion features some of the most shockingly inventive assassinations across any RPG. Killing targets by dropping a mounted deer head or poisoning a HAIRBRUSH demonstrate the absurdly sinister personality infused into Oblivion‘s murderous cabal. Their larger conspiratorial arc builds tension wonderfully as well and culminates in an operatic showdown. Skyrim‘s grittier Brotherhood certainly delivers excitement but I never felt as wonderfully unhinged as in Oblivion.

Meanwhile the central narrative dealing with an assassin plot against the Emperor and his hidden heir ushers you on an epic journey across Cyrodiil‘s varied environs unveiling your destiny. Key moments like defending Bruma from an Oblivion gate siege or becoming Sheogorath‘s protege in the Shivering Isles exemplify Oblivion‘s storytelling grandeur remaining iconic status after so long.

Therefore, playing Oblivion first means you experience Elder Scrolls tales and quests at their most exotic and unforgettable rather than starting with Skyrim‘s more streamlined interpretation. The same goes for mischievous escapades with the Thieves Guild or working up the ranks of the Fighters Guild – memorable journeys tied deeply into imperial intrigues and cultural nuances. Newcomers to the franchise should not miss these masterpieces of worldbuilding simply because Skyrim looks prettier.

Gameplay and Technical Improvements Make Skyrim Feel More Rewarding If Played After Oblivion

Of course, one clear advantage of Skyrim over Oblivion is how much gameplay and technical elements improved in the five years between titles. But this quality gap enhances Skyrim EVEN MORE if you play Oblivion first. By slogging through Cyrodiil‘s rougher combat, clunkier interfaces and more temperamental crafting beforehand, Skyrim‘s polished refinements feel hugely rewarding.

The leap from Oblivion to Skyrim was transformational – our 2011 Game of the Year praise came against heavyweight contenders like Portal 2 and Batman: Arkham City. But seeing numerical scores doesn‘t fully communicate that tangible JUMP towards a responsive, lived-in open world brimming with possibility.

  • Skyrim‘s melee finally felt impactful unlike Oblivion‘s weightless flailing
  • Sprinting and dual wielding opened up combat immensely
  • Crafting was intuitive with alchemical ingredients clearly highlighted in the world
  • Magic was flashier and smoother to activate in combat
  • Leveling athletics or acrobatics manually became obsolete

And simply exploring the Nordic countryside FELT amazing with denser forests and foliage, animals roaming everywhere and waterflow manipulated realistically. Tiny details that brought Skyrim to wondrous life.

However, rarely do we appreciate revolutionary leaps in the moment – "the good old days" retrospective reminds us of how qualitatively things improve over time. By experiencing Oblivion beforehand, all Skyrim‘s gameplay and technical heights shine brighter through contrast instead of taking them for granted as the new standard. You feel that palpable, tectonic shift of a franchise ascending to another tier qualitatively.

Conclusion – Embarking on This Epic Journey Sets Up Hundreds of Hours Enjoyment

Starting your Elder Scrolls journey with Oblivion rather than Skyrim ensures appreciating this genre-defining series at its narrative heights first and then welcoming Skyrim‘s modern refinements as a glorious evolution.

Oblivion and Skyrim collectively offer over 350 hours even for completionist players. That sheer volume promises you adventures and wonders to last years rather than merely weeks. But setting out correctly ensures the journey ahead remains captivating rather than fatiguing.

So for both enriched worldbuilding context AND having Skyrim feel like a revelatory leap forward – begin with Oblivion! Tamriel‘s splendor awaits.

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