Relieve your sensitive teeth and protect against further tooth pain

There’s nothing better than that first warm sip of soul-lifting coffee in the morning or that relaxed “ahh” moment of a perfectly chilled beer at the end of a long day. Unless, you are experiencing a piercing pain as the liquid comes in contact with a tooth that is suddenly sensitive to hot or cold. Teeth sensitivity can be a painful and frustrating oral health issue, and it seems to come out of nowhere. The causes can be from a wide variety of issues, and the solutions can range from something as simple as changing the toothpaste you are using to an urgent visit to your dentist for a necessary root canal.


Cartoon with check mark

  • switch to a toothpaste designed to help sensitive teeth
  • always rinse your mouth after eating or drinking something acidic
  • seek ways to relieve stress
  • visit your dentist to address issues early

Cartoon with x mark

  • grind your teeth
  • drink excessive amounts of sodas or energy drinks
  • skip dental check-ups
  • use a hard bristle brush

[publishpress_authors_data]'s recommendation to ExpertBeacon readers: Do

Do switch to a toothpaste designed to help sensitive teeth

There are a number of over-the-counter toothpastes available that are designed to help alleviate tooth sensitivity. Try using the new toothpaste twice-a-day for a couple of weeks in order to let it take effect. If you experience an improvement, continue. If you do not see a significant change, ask your dentist to prescribe fluoride toothpaste for you to use. Prescription toothpaste can be five times stronger than the products available at your local supermarket or drugstore, and it is the number one under-prescribed drug.

Do always rinse your mouth after eating or drinking something acidic

Whenever possible it is best to brush your teeth after eating or drinking, but that is not always possible. If your diet is highly acidic, it is even more important to remember to clean your teeth and gums frequently. When brushing is not an option, try rinsing your mouth with water shortly after having a drink or meal.

Do seek ways to relieve stress

Stress can be a leading cause for teeth grinding, which can lead to the erosion of enamel and lead to teeth sensitivity. Consider taking up a hobby, increasing exercise, or practicing meditation to help process and eliminate the stress in your life. This may not only help your oral health, but will also benefit your overall health and well-being.

Do visit your dentist to address issues early

If you are experiencing sensitivity in your teeth, you may have a more serious oral health issue. With a simple examination, your dentist can determine if you are beginning to develop gum disease, you have tooth decay, or an erosion of enamel that is contributing to the pain you feel when you drink or eat something that is hot or cold. By diagnosing the cause, your dentist can not only provide a solution, but you will have relief and begin feeling more comfortable.

[publishpress_authors_data]'s professional advice to ExpertBeacon readers: Don't

Do not grind your teeth

Grinding teeth is a common side effect of stress and anxiety. It is also a major cause for the breakdown and erosion of enamel, which can lead to teeth sensitivity. Occasional grinding will not usually cause harm, but when someone grinds their teeth on a regular basis, the teeth can become damaged. Most teeth grinders do so during sleep and are unaware. If you wake up with a dull, constant headache, it may be a sign.

Do not drink excessive amounts of sodas or energy drinks

An occasional soda or energy drink is not likely to cause damage, but if you are in the habit drinking these highly acidic beverages daily, you should strongly consider replacing it with a healthier choice. These drinks will coat your teeth and will slowly eat away at the enamel, creating a whole host of potential long-term health issues. If you find yourself looking for an energy boost and you do opt to have a soda or energy drink, consider using a straw to help decrease contact with your enamel.

Do not skip dental check-ups

Most dentist recommend twice-yearly check-ups and cleanings. These appointments can be extremely valuable when it comes to prevention of problems that lead to a lifetime of teeth sensitivity and pain. Regular fluoride treatments can serve as a protectant seal. Also, if you are experience the early signs of sensitivity, your dentist may be able to diagnose the cause and provide a remedy before the problem progresses.

Do not use a hard bristle brush

Brushing your teeth frequently with a hard bristle toothbrush or brushing too hard can actually damage your teeth. It is best to use a soft bristle brush and comfortably brush all surfaces of the enamel and areas near the gum line carefully.


Teeth sensitivity can be extremely uncomfortable. For any who have experienced it, it can be described as sharp and sudden when triggered, and may even feel like something is shooting into the nerve endings of your gums and teeth. To help prevent the development of teeth sensitivity, good daily oral care is a key factor. While prevention always begins with proper brushing with the right products, you must think about everything else you are putting in your mouth. Excessive use of over-the-counter whitening, extreme stress or a highly acidic diet may be the reasons behind your pain. Fortunately, with a few lifestyle changes, it can all be minimized and potentially avoided altogether.

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